Command xor-memory

This command is used to XOR a block of memory.

Its syntax is:

xor-memory <display|patch> <address> <size_to_read> <xor_key>

The first argument (display or patch) is the action to perform:

  1. display will only show an hexdump of the result of the XOR-ed memory block, without writing the debuggee's memory.

    gef➤  xor display $rsp 16 1337
    [+] Displaying XOR-ing 0x7fff589b67f8-0x7fff589b6808 with '1337'
    ────────────────────────────────[ Original block ]────────────────────────────────────
    0x00007fff589b67f8     46 4e 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     FN@.............
    ────────────────────────────────[ XOR-ed block ]──────────────────────────────────────
    0x00007fff589b67f8     55 79 53 37 13 37 13 37 13 37 13 37 13 37 13 37     UyS7.
  2. patch will overwrite the memory with the xor-ed content.

    gef➤  xor patch $rsp 16 1337
    [+] Patching XOR-ing 0x7fff589b67f8-0x7fff589b6808 with '1337'
    gef➤  hexdump byte $rsp 16
    0x00007fff589b67f8     55 79 53 37 13 37 13 37 13 37     UyS7.7.7.7