Command print-format

The command print-format (alias pf) will dump an arbitrary location as an array of bytes following the syntax of the programming language specified. Currently, the output language supported are

  • Python (py - default)
  • C (c)
  • Assembly (asm)
  • Javascript (js)
gef➤  print-format -h
[+] print-format [-f FORMAT] [-b BITSIZE] [-l LENGTH] [-c] [-h] LOCATION
        -f FORMAT specifies the output format for programming language, avaliable value is py, c, js, asm (default py).
        -b BITSIZE sepecifies size of bit, avaliable values is 8, 16, 32, 64 (default is 8).
        -l LENGTH specifies length of array (default is 256).
        -c The result of data will copied to clipboard (requires xclip)
        LOCATION specifies where the address of bytes is stored.

For example this command will dump 10 bytes from $rsp and copy the result to the clipboard.

gef➤  print-format -f py -b 8 -l 10 -c $rsp
[+] Copied to clipboard
buf = [0x87, 0xfa, 0xa3, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x30, 0xe6]